What’s next?

What’s next? A question I’m sure everyone and myself are asking. Right now honestly I can’t say for sure because I’m sure it will change I’m just going for it at this point. My mission for Shed Your Light: Create a website and community of people that are accepting, looking to learn, grow and show […]

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Taking off

When we go somewhere by plane there’s usually a few things that go into getting there. Starting with buying tickets, hotel, and any other amenities can be stressful, but the real stress starts the 24 hours beforehand and until you are home in your bed again(let’s be real). The stress can cause angst and worry […]

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Hello? Hello!

Ever notice how when you are walking towards someone, both you and the other person look up, down, or even at your phone? Usually your interaction is based on your mood, personality, and also your relationship- At first, saying hi may seem scary, but it is the same as with fish, most times they are […]

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